Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning

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  • This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality of your monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) processes. If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.

    Key Resources

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on SMART sector-specific indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    IndiKit is online guide on the use of hundreds of relief and development indicators across different sectors, including specific survey questions and practical tips based on from field experience.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on SMART sector-specific indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers

    MEAL Planning at the Proposal Stage

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on SMART sector-specific indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    IndiKit is online guide on the use of hundreds of relief and development indicators across different sectors, including specific survey questions and practical tips based on from field experience.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on SMART sector-specific indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    INTRAC (2015) Outcome Mapping (PDF, 447.36 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    An alternative to the logframe when it comes to mapping changes intended to be brought about by a project; in some cases, it can be more suitable to M&E planning than the logframe.

    INTRAC (2015) Outcome Mapping - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    INTRAC M&E Universe (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The M&E Universe is a free, online resource developed by INTRAC to support development practitioners involved in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It consists of a series of short papers (2-6 pages) on different subjects related to M&E.

    INTRAC M&E Universe - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers

    MEAL Planning during the Project Implementation

    PIN (2019) Value for Money Assessment: Step- by- Step guide (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    A step-by-step guide to calculating the costs for reaching each output and outcome of your project.

    PIN (2019) Value for Money Assessment: Step- by- Step guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers


    SPHERE (2021) Sphere in Context and for Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PDF, 2.42 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource explains why it is important to use Sphere standards throughout the humanitarian programme cycle, and how to do so. The document starts with a section on how to use humanitarian standards in your context. This is followed by standalone but complementary chapters for Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.

    SPHERE (2021) Sphere in Context and for Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    CaLP (2021) Basic Needs Analysis Questionnaire (DOCX, 1.19 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The basic needs assessment questionnaire is taken from CaLP Guidance for Basis Needs Analysis.

    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers

    Quantitative Data Collection

    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Describing Survey Methodology (PDF, 429.67 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This brief guide will help you clarify and describe the methodology for your survey.

    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Describing Survey Methodology - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Survey Sampling (PDF, 374.79 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This brief guide will help you determine the appropriate sample for your survey.

    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Survey Sampling - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Mobile Data Collection (PDF, 345.82 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    A brief overview of mobile data collection (tools, advantages and disadvantages).

    PIN (2018) Rapid Guide to Mobile Data Collection - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Qualitative Data Collection

    PIN (2017) Quality Improvement & Verification Checklist for Focus Group Discussions (DOCX, 41.29 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This quality standard checklist (QSC) can be used when planning focus group discussions (FGDs) as well as for monitoring the performance of FGD facilitators (whether PIN staff or external).

    PIN (2017) Quality Improvement & Verification Checklist for Focus Group Discussions - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Checklists
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2017) Rapid Guide to Individual Interviews (PDF, 461.41 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    Guidance and practical tips for conducting individual interviews during surveys, needs assessments, evaluations etc.

    PIN (2017) Rapid Guide to Individual Interviews - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2017) Quality Improvement & Verification Checklist for Individual Interviews (DOCX, 39.54 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This quality standard checklist (QSC) can be used when planning individual interviews, as well as for monitoring the performance of interviewers (whether PIN staff or external).

    PIN (2017) Quality Improvement & Verification Checklist for Individual Interviews - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Checklists
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers

    Data Analysis

    PIN - Quantitative Analysis in Excel: Step by Step Guide (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This is a step-by-step guide to cleaning and analysing data in Excel. It can be used for training, as well as while analysing survey data.

    PIN - Quantitative Analysis in Excel: Step by Step Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    UCLA (2019) Resources on learning and using STATA (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This links to the UCLA’s Institute for Digital Research and Education. Top of Form, which lists many useful resources for learning to use STATA (divided by topic).

    UCLA (2019)  Resources on learning and using STATA - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: M&E Managers / Officers
    J-PAL - Resources on learning and using Optimal Design, STATA and R (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This links to an article which briefly introduces 3 software programmes which can be used to design randomized evaluations and analyse the data from them.

    J-PAL - Resources on learning and using Optimal Design, STATA and R - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: M&E Managers / Officers


    BetterEvaluation (2020) M&E for Adaptive Management - Real Time Evaluation (PDF, 707.83 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This paper outlines the different ways in which RTE has been defined and is understood to work. It analyses how RTE is similar to and different from other approaches to supporting evidence-informed action. It discusses when it is appropriate to use RTE and what is needed to make it work well.

    BetterEvaluation (2020) M&E for Adaptive Management - Real Time Evaluation  - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ALNAP (2021) From Real-Time Evaluation to Real-Time Learning (PDF, 1.23 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This paper is intended to support development and humanitarian managers, evaluation functions and evaluators as they plan and implement Real-Time Evaluations and Real-Time Learning exercises of their respective organisation’s COVID-19 response, and of future humanitarian action.

    ALNAP (2021) From Real-Time Evaluation to Real-Time Learning - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    World Bank (2009) The Road to Results : Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations (PDF, 4.42 MB)

    Also available in: Arabic, Spanish

    When can it be useful?
    Very detailed guidance on designing and conducting evaluations of development interventions.

    World Bank (2009) The Road to Results : Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations - overview
    Language: English, Arabic, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Data Use and Learning

    ACF (2014) Conducting KAP Surveys: A Learning Document Based on KAP Failures (PDF, 617.11 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    An interesting and honest review of mistakes made and lessons learned during “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices” surveys; it is relevant to surveys in general, not just KAP.

    ACF (2014) Conducting KAP Surveys: A Learning Document Based on KAP Failures - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    3ie (2019) Evidence Gap Maps (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This is an interactive platform which maps evidence gaps and highlights areas where there are few or no impact evaluations or systematic reviews. It is helpful to check before planning such evaluations, to avoid duplication of already existing work and to make optimal use of resources.

    3ie (2019) Evidence Gap Maps  - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ALNAP (2021) From Real-Time Evaluation to Real-Time Learning (PDF, 1.23 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This paper is intended to support development and humanitarian managers, evaluation functions and evaluators as they plan and implement Real-Time Evaluations and Real-Time Learning exercises of their respective organisation’s COVID-19 response, and of future humanitarian action.

    ALNAP (2021) From Real-Time Evaluation to Real-Time Learning - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Feedback and Response Mechanisms

    ALNAP, ODI (2014) Effective Feedback in Humanitarian Contexts: Practitioner Guide (PDF, 344.32 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    A step-by-step guide to designing and implementing beneficiary feedback mechanisms.

    ALNAP, ODI (2014) Effective Feedback in Humanitarian Contexts: Practitioner Guide  - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    BOND (2016) Eight principles for building trust through feedback (PDF, 615.67 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource can be used while designing and running accountable feedback mechanisms that can surface safeguarding concerns.

    BOND (2016) Eight principles for building trust through feedback - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers

    MEAL in Education and Skills

    PIN (2019) Education in Emergencies (EiE) MEAL Tools (ZIP, 5.91 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This package of materials includes key M&E tools for Education in Emergencies (EiE) including school checklists, baseline and endline tools, child participation tools, school assessment and selection tools, a sample Logframe and a needs assessment template, which can also be used as a basis for developing key informant interviews (KIIs), household surveys and focus group discussions (FGDs).

    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Checklists, Evaluation & Research Reports, Templates
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    USAID (2021) A Roadmap for Measuring Distance Learning - A Review of Evidence and Emerging Practices (PDF, 1.98 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This review presents a roadmap that guides users through four steps of planning and designing how distance learning can be monitored and evaluated. Featuring several case studies, including PIN's LNGB in Nepal.

    USAID (2021) A Roadmap for Measuring Distance Learning - A Review of Evidence and Emerging Practices - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    Child Fund (2010): Child- and youth-friendly participatory action research toolkit (PDF, 1023.48 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This toolkit provides practical participatory methods for engagement of children and youth in all steps of the program cycle. It includes tools for a) identification of risks/ problems/ issues and resources, b) prioritization of these risks/ problems/ issues c) analysis uncovering the root-causes of risks/ problems/ issues and d) planning for solutions.

    Child Fund (2010): Child- and youth-friendly participatory action research toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers

    Other Sector-specific and Donor-specific MEAL

    PIN (2019) INDIKIT: Guidance on Good Governance Indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Drafting a logframe? IndiKit's guidance on the use of Good Governance indicators can help you when developing CSO development, civic engagement and local governance programmes.

    PIN (2019) INDIKIT: Guidance on Good Governance Indicators  - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2017) Quality Standard Checklist for Conducting SMART Anthropometric Surveys (DOCX, 46.39 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This is a checklist of steps to be taken when planning and conducting a survey aimed at assessing the prevalence of child malnutrition and mortality.

    PIN (2017) Quality Standard Checklist for Conducting SMART Anthropometric Surveys   - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Checklists
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN - Quality Improvement and Verification Checklist for Anthropometric Data Collection (PDF, 414.63 KB)

    Also available in: French, Portuguese

    When can it be useful?
    This checklist will help you monitor the quality of measurements for anthropometric surveys.

    PIN - Quality Improvement and Verification Checklist for Anthropometric Data Collection - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Checklists
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers
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