
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
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  • This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality and impact of your programming related to social protection and inclusion. If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.

    Key Resources

    PIN RDD Strategy 2018-2021: Social Inclusion and Protection (PDF, 1.82 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This programming strategy of PIN’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) explains the approach PIN takes to addressing social inclusion and protection.

    PIN RDD Strategy 2018-2021: Social Inclusion and Protection - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2019) IndiKit: guidance on social inclusion and protection indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    IndiKit website offers guidance on the use of social inclusion and protection indicators, including specific survey questions, practical tips and things to be careful about.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: guidance on social inclusion and protection indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2019) Gender Analysis Guide (PDF, 3.46 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This document introduces basic concepts of gender mainstreaming, defines key areas of inquiry to take into consideration when undergoing a gender analysis and provides easy access to practical guidance and tools.

    PIN (2019) Gender Analysis Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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