Communication & Advocacy

  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
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  • Cash and Voucher Assistance
  • Market Development
  • Education and Skills
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources Management
  • Multi-Sectoral Nutrition
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • DRR and Resilience
  • Protection
  • Good Governance
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning
  • Communication & Advocacy
  • Innovations
  • Food Security & Livelihoods in Emergencies
  • Shelter and Infrastructure
  • Social and Behaviour Change
  • Mainstreaming Topics
  • Project Management
  • This site offers the most useful resources that can help you increase the quality of your advocacy and communication efforts. If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.

    Key Resources

    PIN (2019) The role of PIN's Communication & Advocacy Departament (PDF, 330.82 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This four-page document introduces PIN's Communication & Advocacy Department (CAD), describes its role within PIN and explains how it supports the work done by PIN's country offices.

    PIN (2019) The role of PIN's Communication & Advocacy Departament - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN - Publications and Communication Materials (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This link redirects you to the PIN's webpage on the Publication and Communication subsection. There you can find even more resources related to the PIN's work.

    PIN - Publications and Communication Materials - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
    Resources on Advocacy (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The resources provided at this site help you design effective advocacy strategies for achieving the desired changes.

    Resources on Advocacy - overview
    Language: English, French, Portuguese
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
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    INSPIRED Magazines

    PIN (2020) Inspired: Impact Investment (issue 6) (PDF, 5.82 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This magazine provides useful information on impact investment from the perspective of NGO actors.

    PIN (2020) Inspired: Impact Investment (issue 6) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Project Design Examples, Innovations, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2019) INSPIRED: Climate change and climate funds (issue 5) (PDF, 13.66 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This journal provides both information on climate funds as well as examples of climate-related projects implemented by PIN

    PIN (2019) INSPIRED: Climate change and climate funds (issue 5) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN (2018) INSPIRED: Market Systems Development (Issue 4) (PDF, 8.16 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource features practical project examples and lessons from PINs market systems development programming across different countries.

    PIN (2018) INSPIRED: Market Systems Development (Issue 4) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    PIN Social Media

    PIN's Twitter (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Explore what is PIN tweeting to the world!

    PIN's Twitter - overview
    Language: English, Czech
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
    PIN's YouTube (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This link will open for you the PIN's Youtube channel.

    PIN's YouTube  - overview
    Language: English, Czech
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
    PIN's Facebook (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Explore what is new in PIN's world on its English Facebook!

    PIN's Facebook - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
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    How To Do Advocacy

    PIN (2014) Advocate Together: Toolkit for civil society organizations in Myanmar (PDF, 4.07 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource offers a comprehensive set of advocacy strategies and tools for advocates, presented on the case of CSOs in Myanmar.

    PIN (2014) Advocate Together: Toolkit for civil society organizations in Myanmar - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Asia
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CARE (2001) Advocacy: Tools and Guidelines - Promoting Policy Change (PDF, 1.36 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This document presents advocacy as one more option in a wide range of program strategies for reducing poverty, and appropriate when you want to influence policies that are at the source of poverty and discrimination and offers tools how to effectively use it.

    CARE (2001) Advocacy: Tools and Guidelines - Promoting Policy Change - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ACF (2013) Advocacy Toolkit (PDF, 1.35 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This toolkit intends to assist staff at mission, regional and HQ levels to plan, implement and monitor the parts of the advocacy strategy that relate to them.

    ACF (2013) Advocacy Toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
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    PIN Global Strategies

    PIN (2017) Relief and Development Department (RDD) Strategy 2017–2021 (PDF, 3.47 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource specifies PIN's Relief and Development Department strategy for 2017 - 2021, incl. goals, priorities and sectors.

    PIN (2017) Relief and Development Department (RDD) Strategy 2017–2021 - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
    PIN RDD Strategy 2016-2021: Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment (PDF, 1.68 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This programming strategy of PIN’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) explains the approach PIN takes to improving people’s livelihoods and protecting the natural environment.

    PIN RDD Strategy 2016-2021: Sustainable Livelihoods and Environment - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    PIN RDD Strategy 2017-2021: Good Governance (PDF, 1.48 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This programming strategy of PIN’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) explains the approach PIN takes to strengthening good governance.

    PIN RDD Strategy 2017-2021: Good Governance - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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