Education and Skills
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Humanitarian Principles and Global Standards
- Quality Humanitarian Project Management & Implementation
- Emergency Preparedness
- Anticipatory Action
- Beneficiary Selection
- Distributions
- Humanitarian Donors & Rapid Funding
- Partnerships & Coordination
- Cash and Vouchers Assistance in Emergencies
- Markets in Emergencies
- Food Security & Livelihoods in Emergencies
- Nutrition in Emergencies
- WASH in Emergencies
- Shelter, NFIs & Settlements in Emergencies
- Education in Emergencies
- Environment in Emergencies
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Market Assessments
- Labour Market Assessments and Employment
- Facilitation Approaches
- Private Sector Engagement and Partnerships
- Value Chain Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation of MSD
- Women's Economic Empowerment
- Markets in Emergency / Recovery Contexts
- Green Market Approaches
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Education in Emergencies (EiE) - Standards and Guidance
- PIN Education in Emergencies (EiE) Tools
- Child Protection and Well-Being
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
- Inclusion and gender
- Environment and Climate Change
- Teacher Professional Development and Wellbeing
- Learning Outcomes
- Labour market assessment and employment
- One World in Schools (OWIS)
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Introduction to Nutrition
- Nutrition Security Assessments
- Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) (incl. mHealth and Positive Deviance)
- Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture
- Nutrition and WASH
- Nutrition and Gender
- Nutrition Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Programming
- Nutrition in Emergencies
- Key Resources
- MEAL Planning at the Proposal Stage
- MEAL Planning during the Project Implementation
- Assessments
- Quantitative Data Collection
- Qualitative Data Collection
- Data Analysis
- Evaluation
- Data Use and Learning
- Feedback and Response Mechanisms
- Data protection & management
- MEAL in Education and Skills
- Other Sector-specific and Donor-specific MEAL
This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality and impact of your education and skills programming. If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.
Key Resources
When can it be useful?
This PIN Education Brief explains the approach PIN takes to education in humanitarian and development settings.

When can it be useful?
This resource is divided into two Guides; "Part 1: WHAT EiE is, WHY we do it and what GUIDES us" and "Part 2: Planning, Implementing and Monitoring an EiE Response Introduction to PIN’s approach to EiE". They provide information on the theory of EiE, PIN’s EiE Framework,cross-cutting themes and step-by-step guidance on how to plan, implement and monitor EiE activities.
When can it be useful?
This link will take you to INDIKIT set of education and skills indicators, that can be used within your project proposal development.

Examples of PIN's Interventions
When can it be useful?
This resource provides structured guidance and a series of lesson plans to engage community members in activities aimed at improving social cohesion

When can it be useful?
This resources provides recommendations on how the VET sector, and particularly this project’s partner organizations (in this case in Imereti), can better engage with the private sector.

When can it be useful?
Example on a green jobs initiative in the leather sector in Ethiopia

Education in Emergencies (EiE) - Standards and Guidance
When can it be useful?
This resource is divided into two Guides; "Part 1: WHAT EiE is, WHY we do it and what GUIDES us" and "Part 2: Planning, Implementing and Monitoring an EiE Response Introduction to PIN’s approach to EiE". They provide information on the theory of EiE, PIN’s EiE Framework,cross-cutting themes and step-by-step guidance on how to plan, implement and monitor EiE activities.
When can it be useful?
This document outlines PIN's child-centred approach to education in emergencies (EiE)

When can it be useful?
This Guide provides key information on PIN’s approach to Psychosocial Support (PSS) – what it is, who it is for, when we do it and how we do it. It introduces the Framework that guides us and provides practical guidance and tools for how to design, implement and monitor PSS activities.
PIN Education in Emergencies (EiE) Tools
When can it be useful?
This resource includes tools needed to set up a participatory approach to School Improvement Planning (SIP), engaging stakeholders in designing, budgeting for, implementing and monitoring activities towards school improvement. It includes: SIP Guidance Note, SIP checklist, SIP template and SIP reporting template.
When can it be useful?
This resource includes a series of Quality Standards Checklists (QSCs) for education. The QSCs include sections on planning, implementation and monitoring, and can be used as a checklist to assure quality throughout the project cycle. Included are QSCs for: Child Friendly Spaces, Psychosocial Support, School Rehabilitation, Cross-cutting Themes, a General School Checklist and Project Development.
When can it be useful?
These two guides provide guidance to teachers and parents/caregivers on how to support children's learning and wellbeing during school closures, and continuing once schools reopen. The guides may need to be adapted to local contexts, and where possible, they should be accompanied by contextualised illustrations to support lower literacy households.
Child Protection and Well-Being
When can it be useful?
This Guide provides key information on PIN’s approach to Psychosocial Support (PSS) – what it is, who it is for, when we do it and how we do it. It introduces the Framework that guides us and provides practical guidance and tools for how to design, implement and monitor PSS activities.
When can it be useful?
This Guidance Note provides key definitions and strategies for improving and supporting the standardisation of psychosocial support (PSS) interventions.

When can it be useful?
This Toolkit provides all the resources needed to initiate a Safe Healing Learning Space in an emergency including tools for social emotional learning (SEL), reading, maths and parental support.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
When can it be useful?
This good practice guide provides practical guidance, examples and tools on engaging the private sector to ensure that Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes sustainably increase access to productive and fulfilling employment opportunities.

When can it be useful?
A short learning brief good for positioning PIN with donors on its work on job creation via market driven skills development and provate sector engagement.

When can it be useful?
The guideline on inclusive Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for people with disabilities (PwDs) aims to provide practical and evidence-based guidance for TVET institutions and stakeholders to promote and implement inclusive TVET policies and practices.

Inclusion and gender
When can it be useful?
The EiE-GenKit is a series of tools and practical guidance that helps practitioners ensure education in emergencies (EiE) interventions and programmes are gender-responsive and inclusive

When can it be useful?
The guideline on inclusive Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for people with disabilities (PwDs) aims to provide practical and evidence-based guidance for TVET institutions and stakeholders to promote and implement inclusive TVET policies and practices.

When can it be useful?
This guide provides useful advice on how to promote gender-responsive programming in education.

Environment and Climate Change
When can it be useful?
This resource is a research piece created by Plan International which addresses the intersection bewteen climate change and girls education.

When can it be useful?
This briefing paper sets out how leaders can protect children’s learning from the impacts of the climate crisis, and the role that education can play in equipping the next generation with the tools they need to protect against its worst impacts.

When can it be useful?
This resource looks at how climate change impacts education in emergencies while also highlighting ways in which EiE can be used to mitigate climate change impacts.

Teacher Professional Development and Wellbeing
When can it be useful?
This resource shares promising policies, practices, and research approaches for supporting teachers in crisis contexts including 42 case studies from around the world

When can it be useful?
The Accelerated Education Introductory Teacher Training pack (AEITTP) is designed specifically for teachers working in accelerated education programme (AEP) classes and teaching learners generally aged 10-18 who are overage for their grade.

When can it be useful?
This resource provides practical tips for organizations undertaking workshops focused on teacher wellbeing and contextualising the resources for their contexts and action planning on integration of teacher wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes
When can it be useful?
This package of tools provides guidance on what ASER is and how to conduct literacy and numeracy assessments using the ASER tools. It also includes sample ASER tools that can be adapted to a specific context as well as a reporting template.
When can it be useful?
This review presents a roadmap that guides users through four steps of planning and designing how distance learning can be monitored and evaluated. Featuring several case studies, including PIN's LNGB in Nepal.

When can it be useful?
This resources can help during project planning to determine what types of activites to include if the aim of the project is to improve learning outcomes.

Labour market assessment and employment
When can it be useful?
The three-part Market Assessment Toolkit for VT Providers and Youth is a combination of resources, questionnaires and activities to assist VT programs and youth to gather information on market demand and translate it into programming that responds to a dynamic business environment and youth needs.

When can it be useful?
This website page involves a range of resources on employment creation, including publications that provide insights into solutions and challenges in creating jobs, it can be useful when searching for evidence on this topic.

When can it be useful?
This guide aims to help humanitarians conduct better labour market analyses (LMA) to inform the design and delivery of livelihoods and market strengthening programmes in emergency and post-crisis settings.

One World in Schools (OWIS)
When can it be useful?
This brochure presents the One World in Schools methodology, one of the PIN's flagships and an innovative approach to youth civic engagement. The booklet provides general information as well examples from recent projects.

When can it be useful?
A brief overview of One World in Schools methodology, its application for Media Literacy, critical thinking skills and disinformation resilience in the context of Eastern Partnership and Balkan countries.