Good Governance
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Humanitarian Principles and Global Standards
- Quality Humanitarian Project Management & Implementation
- Emergency Preparedness & Early Action
- Beneficiary Selection
- Distributions
- Humanitarian Donors & Rapid Funding
- Partnerships & Coordination
- Cash and Vouchers Assistance in Emergencies
- Markets in Emergencies
- Food Security & Livelihoods in Emergencies
- Nutrition in Emergencies
- WASH in Emergencies
- Shelter, NFIs & Settlements in Emergencies
- Education in Emergencies
- Environment in Emergencies
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Market Assessments
- Labour Market Assessments and Employment
- Facilitation Approaches
- Private Sector Engagement and Partnerships
- Value Chain Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation of MSD
- Women's Economic Empowerment
- Markets in Emergency / Recovery Contexts
- Green Market Approaches
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Education in Emergencies (EiE) - Standards and Guidance
- PIN Education in Emergencies (EiE) Tools
- Child Protection and Well-Being
- Inclusion and gender
- Environment and Climate Change
- Teacher Professional Development and Wellbeing
- Learning Outcomes
- Labour market assessment and employment
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
- One World in Schools (OWIS)
- Key Resources
- Examples of PIN's Interventions
- Introduction to Nutrition
- Nutrition Security Assessments
- Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) (incl. mHealth and Positive Deviance)
- Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture
- Nutrition and WASH
- Nutrition and Gender
- Nutrition Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Programming
- Nutrition in Emergencies
- Key Resources
- MEAL Planning at the Proposal Stage
- MEAL Planning during the Project Implementation
- Assessments
- Quantitative Data Collection
- Qualitative Data Collection
- Data Analysis
- Evaluation
- Data Use and Learning
- Feedback and Response Mechanisms
- Data protection & management
- MEAL in Education and Skills
- Other Sector-specific and Donor-specific MEAL
This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality and impact of your good governance programming. If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.
Key Resources
When can it be useful?
A participatory multi-stakeholder approach to effective planning, implementation and evaluation of social policies and services ensuring that the most vulnerable people are not left behind.
When can it be useful?
Drafting a logframe? IndiKit's guidance on the use of Good Governance indicators can help you when developing CSO development, civic engagement and local governance programmes.
When can it be useful?
This resource explains the nine commitments that ensure that humanitarian actors support people and communities affected by crisis and vulnerability in ways that respect their rights and dignity and promote their primary role in finding solutions to the crises they face. The versions in other languages:
Youth Civic Engagement
When can it be useful?
This brochure presents the One World in Schools methodology, one of the PIN's flagships and an innovative approach to youth civic engagement. The booklet provides general information as well examples from recent projects.
When can it be useful?
A brief overview of One World in Schools methodology, its application for Media Literacy, critical thinking skills and disinformation resilience in the context of Eastern Partnership and Balkan countries.
CSO/Local Authority Capacity Development
When can it be useful?
This document provides case studies and lessons learned to support local governance programmes.
Community Engagement in Development Programs
When can it be useful?
A participatory multi-stakeholder approach to effective planning, implementation and evaluation of social policies and services ensuring that the most vulnerable people are not left behind.
When can it be useful?
This guide provides overall background principles for governance programming.
When can it be useful?
This is a resource to support all country programs better engage with communities/beneficiaries in both development and emergency programmes.