Cash and Voucher Assistance

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  • Cash and Voucher Assistance
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  • This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality and impact of your cash and voucher assistance (CVA). If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.

    Key Resources

    CaLP (2023) Programme Quality Toolbox (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The programme quality toolbox is a set of common standards and actions for quality Cash Based Assistance (CBA) which defines 'what' needs to happen for quality CBA. Each action is supported by a set of guidelines and ready to use tools and templates on 'how' to achieve quality CBA. The toolbox is the main supporting documentation on CBA in the 2018 Sphere Handbook.

    CaLP (2023) Programme Quality Toolbox - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ICRC, IFRC (2016) Cash in Emergencies Toolkit (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The CiE Toolkit is organized in modules, each corresponding to a different phase of the project cycle: 1. preparedness, 2. assessment, 3. response analysis, 4. set-up and implementation, and 5. monitoring and evaluation. Each module is divided in steps and sub-steps. They are indicative and not necessarily sequential.

    ICRC, IFRC (2016) Cash in Emergencies Toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    Save the Children (2022)  Multipurpose Cash Assistance MEAL Toolkit (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The multi-agency “ Multipurpose Cash Assistance Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit” includes tools and XLS form/KoBo survey templates to facilitate the implementation of  Multipurpose Cash (MPC) programs. The toolkit is aligned with the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream initiative to better standardize MPC outcome indicators.

    Save the Children (2022)  Multipurpose Cash Assistance MEAL Toolkit - overview
    Language: English, French, Arabic, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Introduction to Cash and Voucher Assistance

    CALP Website (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The main website of The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a global partnership of humanitarian actors engaged in policy, practice and research within Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).

    CALP Website - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CALP (2023) The State of the World's Cash 2023 (PDF, 15.32 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The State of the World’s Cash 2023 provides a ‘state of play’ in terms of the current use of CVA. It outlines progress made and challenges to be overcome. It explains strategic debates and provides clear recommendations to accelerate progress. Fundamentally, this report is about how to design and deliver more effective and people-centred aid.

    CALP (2023) The State of the World's Cash 2023 - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ECHO (2022) Thematic Policy Document No 3 - Cash Transfers (PDF, 8.79 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The document presents operational guidance setting out DG ECHO’s expectations in the field of humanitarian cash assistance. It has been developed on the basis of programmatic best practice. Additionally, it underlines the importance of cash as a key tool for operationalising the humanitarian–development nexus.

    ECHO (2022) Thematic Policy Document No 3 - Cash Transfers - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Needs Assessment & Response Analysis

    ICRC, IFRC (2016) Cash in Emergencies Toolkit - Response Analysis (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The toolkit provides guidance and tools to conduct a response analysis for CVA. It ranges from cash feasibility considerations to risk analysis, from delivery mechanism selection to decision making matrix.

    ICRC, IFRC (2016) Cash in Emergencies Toolkit - Response Analysis - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 1 (PDF, 1.46 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    These documents constitute the final draft of the Basic Needs Assessment (BNA) Guidance and Toolbox, commissioned by Save the Children within the broader framework for the uptake of quality, collaborative multipurpose grants (MPGs).

    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 1 - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 2 (PDF, 2.2 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This How-to Guide is Part 2 of the BNA Guidance & Toolbox, with Part 1 describing the background and concepts underpinning the BNA approach. The How-to Guide describes the sequence of practical steps necessary to ensure a successful BNA during emergencies, from initiation of the BNA up to reporting and dissemination of the final findings.

    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 2 - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    UNHCR, CALP, DRC, OCHA, StC, WFP (2015) Operational Guidance and Toolkit for MPC Grants (PDF, 3.72 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs.

    UNHCR, CALP,  DRC, OCHA, StC, WFP (2015) Operational Guidance and Toolkit for MPC Grants - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Mercy Corps (2017) Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide (PDF, 5.41 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    If you are reading the Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide (Voucher Guide), we assume you are familiar with the preconditions for CTP and the advantages and disadvantages of voucher programs. As such, the Voucher Guide is written for the active design and implementation of cash, restricted cash, and commodity voucher programs and/or fairs.

    Mercy Corps (2017) Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    Mercy Corps (2007) Guide to Cash-for-Work Programming (PDF, 3.15 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    In this document, Mercy Corps examines the process of Cash-for-Work (CfW) implementation and provides a general methodology that can be adapted to the many different countries and contexts in which we work.

    Mercy Corps (2007) Guide to Cash-for-Work Programming - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Transfer Mechanisms

    Mercy Corps (2018) E-Transfer Implementation Guide (PDF, 1.65 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The E-transfer Implementation Guide was created for Mercy Corps team members considering – or already using – digital technology to deliver cash or vouchers to program participants. Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of the steps required to use digital payments. The Annexes contain customizable tools and templates.

    Mercy Corps (2018) E-Transfer Implementation Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Templates
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    UNHCR (2016) Cash Delivery Mechanism - Assessment Tool (PDF, 445.63 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    Recognising the need to complement the Guidelines with practical tools that can be used by field practitioners, UNHCR developed a Cash Delivery Mechanism Assessment Tool (CDMAT) in 2016 to help field teams to assess the adequacy of various cash delivery mechanisms to meet programme needs.

    UNHCR (2016) Cash Delivery Mechanism - Assessment Tool - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    USAID, Nethope (2016) Toolkit for Making the Journey from Cash to Electronic Payments (PDF, 1.63 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This Toolkit is designed to support these efforts and was created by the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Global Development Lab and NetHope’s Payment Innovations Project to assist relief and development organizations in making the journey from using cash payments to e-payments wherever possible.

    USAID, Nethope (2016) Toolkit for Making the Journey from Cash to Electronic Payments - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    CARE (2022) Integrating Cash Assistance Into GBV Case Management in NorthWest Syria (PDF, 2.18 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This Evaluation Report illustrates the potential benefit of integrating CVA in Gender-Based Violence response with the evaluation of a program from NorthWest Syria. It also describes trends and impact over a period of nine months on a number of indicators encompassing from economic resilience to personal well-being.

    CARE (2022) Integrating Cash Assistance Into GBV Case Management in NorthWest Syria - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Global WASH Cluster (2021) - Technical Guidance on Market-based Programming in WASH (PDF, 2.1 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The purpose of this document is to provide practical guidance on market-based programming (MBP) in humanitarian WASH responses. This guidance is intended for: - Humanitarian WASH practitioners - Cash and markets practitioners - Humanitarian business support teams supporting WASH programmes - WASH Cluster/Sector coordinators

    Global WASH Cluster (2021) - Technical Guidance on Market-based Programming in WASH - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Strategies, Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF, NORCAP et al. (2020) - CVA for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies (PDF, 12.44 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This evidence and guidance note explains complementarities and strategies for the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to achieve nutrition outcomes in emergencies. It identifies seven steps throughout the humanitarian programme cycle and four transversal issues that need to be considered when incorporating CVA in a nutrition response.

    Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF, NORCAP et al. (2020) - CVA for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Market Analysis

    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) (PDF, 1.17 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource is a set of standards (similar to the Sphere Standards), indicators and guidance on conducting market assessments/analysis in disaster or early recovery contexts (to ensure interventions can help meet basic needs while using and strengthening markets in this process), they have been designed to be used by non-market specialists across sectors.

    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    IRCR (2014) Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM) (PDF, 1.54 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource provides guidance on how to do a market assessment to develop a basic understanding of key markets within the first few days after a shock, it can be used by humanitarian practitioners with limited market expertise.

    IRCR (2014) Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    EMMA (2010) Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit (ZIP, 1.7 MB)

    Also available in: French, Spanish

    When can it be useful?
    This resource is a set of tools and guidance notes for front-line humanitarian staff in sudden-onset emergencies to better understand, accommodate, and make use of market systems, it provides detailed guidance on each of the steps involved in market assessment.

    EMMA (2010) Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit  - overview
    Language: English, French, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Monitoring & Evaluation

    CALP (2022) Multipurpose cash outcome indicators and guidance (PDF, 675.21 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    The indicators in this document, developed by the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream, focus on the primary objectives of humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC), and the outcomes to which MPC can most strongly contribute in a given context.

    CALP (2022) Multipurpose cash outcome indicators and guidance - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    Save the Children (2022)  Multipurpose Cash Assistance MEAL Toolkit (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The multi-agency “ Multipurpose Cash Assistance Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit” includes tools and XLS form/KoBo survey templates to facilitate the implementation of  Multipurpose Cash (MPC) programs. The toolkit is aligned with the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream initiative to better standardize MPC outcome indicators.

    Save the Children (2022)  Multipurpose Cash Assistance MEAL Toolkit - overview
    Language: English, French, Arabic, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Here you can find practical guidance on indicators that are most commonly used in cash and voucher assistance in emergencies. It is based on the aid agencies’ field experience and best practices promoted by CaLP, donors and other stakeholders.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Cross-Cutting Topics

    SPIAC-B (2023) Common Principles for Linking Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection (PDF, 95.2 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    The Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B) Working Group on Linking Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection proposes nine Common Principles to inform actions for more effective progress in linking HA-SP to provide better services to affected people.

    SPIAC-B (2023) Common Principles for Linking Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
    GBV AoR, UNFPA (2022) GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance Toolkit (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Drawing from field learning and a close engagement with CVA and GBV actors in various contexts, the GBV AoR and UNFPA have developed a user-friendly GBV Risk Mitigation in CVA Toolkit to guide and support CVA and GBV practitioners in identifying and mitigating potential GBV risk in cash programming.

    GBV AoR, UNFPA (2022) GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance Toolkit - overview
    Language: English, French, Arabic, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    CBM (2021) DISABILITY INCLUSIVE CASH ASSISTANCE Learnings from practice in Humanitarian Response (PDF, 3.01 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This good practice collection aims to benefit both humanitarian practitioners engaged in Cash Based Interventions (CBI) and the wider humanitarian sector by presenting insights and learning on how humanitarian CBI programmes can be made more inclusive, to ensure equal outcomes for disaster-affected people with disabilities and other at-risk groups.

    CBM (2021) DISABILITY INCLUSIVE  CASH ASSISTANCE Learnings from practice in Humanitarian Response - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Training Materials


    When can it be useful?

    CALP (2024) - ONLINE COURSES - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP (2018) Course: Cash Transfer Programming - The Fundamentals (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This session will introduce you to the fundamentals of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and will help you to begin understanding it. No knowledge of CVA is required to do this course.

    CaLP (2018) Course: Cash Transfer Programming - The Fundamentals - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: E-Learning and Webinars, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes

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