Cash and Voucher Assistance

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  • Cash and Voucher Assistance
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  • This site offers the most useful technical resources that can help you increase the quality and impact of your cash and voucher assistance (CVA). If you feel that an important resource is missing, let us know please.

    Key Resources

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Here you can find practical guidance on indicators that are most commonly used in cash and voucher assistance in emergencies. It is based on the aid agencies’ field experience and best practices promoted by CaLP, donors and other stakeholders.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP (2018) Programme Quality Toolbox (PQT) (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The programme quality toolbox is a set of common standards and actions for quality Cash Based Assistance (CBA) which defines 'what' needs to happen for quality CBA. Each action is supported by a set of guidelines and ready to use tools and templates on 'how' to achieve quality CBA. The toolbox is the main supporting documentation on CBA in the 2018 Sphere Handbook.

    CaLP (2018) Programme Quality Toolbox (PQT) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) (PDF, 1.17 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource is a set of standards (similar to the Sphere Standards), indicators and guidance on conducting market assessments/analysis in disaster or early recovery contexts (to ensure interventions can help meet basic needs while using and strengthening markets in this process), they have been designed to be used by non-market specialists across sectors.

    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Introduction to Cash and Voucher Assistance

    CaLP - Cash Learning Partnership Website (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    The main website of The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a global partnership of humanitarian actors engaged in policy, practice and research within Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).

    CaLP - Cash Learning Partnership Website - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP - CaLP Discussion Group (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This is an online discussion group on all things cash and voucher assistance, and a useful way to keep abreast of related discussions and pose key questions to the broader cash and voucher assistance community.

    CaLP - CaLP Discussion Group  - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP (2020) State of the World Cash Report: CVA in Humanitarian Aid (PDF, 5.59 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This report critically analyses the current state of CVA in humanitarian aid, and the extent to which commitments have been achieved, in order to provide shared insights that can accelerate progress.

    CaLP (2020) State of the World Cash Report: CVA in Humanitarian Aid - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Needs Assessment & Response Analysis

    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 1 (PDF, 1.46 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    These documents constitute the final draft of the Basic Needs Assessment (BNA) Guidance and Toolbox, commissioned by Save the Children within the broader framework for the uptake of quality, collaborative multipurpose grants (MPGs).

    Save the Children, Okular Analytics (2018) Basic Needs Assessment Guidance & Toolbox Part 1 - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Save the Children (2018) Facilitator's Guide for Inter-Sector Response Options Analysis Planning (PDF, 2.9 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The ROAP ultimately leads to the selection of the most appropriate, operationally feasible, and cost efficient response options to achieve sector and inter-sector objectives for specific target groups and geographic areas. It considers in-kind transfers, direct service delivery, vouchers, cash transfers, and combinations of those.

    Save the Children (2018) Facilitator's Guide for Inter-Sector Response Options Analysis Planning - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    UNHCR (2017) Cash Feasibility and Response Analysis Toolkit (PDF, 1.46 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The “Cash Feasibility and Response Analysis Toolkit” aims to assist operations in determining the feasibility of cash-based interventions (CBIs) in UNHCR country programmes. The toolkit brings together new tools and knowledge on conducting cash feasibility assessments and response analysis that have emerged since the publication of the UNHCR Operational Guidelines for Cash-based Interventions (OG)

    UNHCR (2017) Cash Feasibility and Response Analysis Toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers


    Mercy Corps (2017) Cash Transfer Implementation Guide: Part of the CTP Toolkit (PDF, 2.66 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The Cash Transfer Implementation Guide is written for Program Managers actively managing cash transfer programs. If you are reading this Implementation Guide, it is assumed you are familiar with the preconditions for CTP and the advantages and disadvantages of cash transfer programs. If not, please read the Cash Transfer Programming Methodology Guide.

    Mercy Corps (2017) Cash Transfer Implementation Guide: Part of the CTP Toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    ERC (2015) Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multi-Purpose Cash Grants (PDF, 3.72 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs.

    ERC (2015) Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multi-Purpose Cash Grants - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Mercy Corps (2017) Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide (PDF, 5.41 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    If you are reading the Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide (Voucher Guide), we assume you are familiar with the preconditions for CTP and the advantages and disadvantages of voucher programs. As such, the Voucher Guide is written for the active design and implementation of cash, restricted cash, and commodity voucher programs and/or fairs.

    Mercy Corps (2017) Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Transfer Mechanisms

    UNHCR (2016) Cash Delivery Mechanism - Assessment Tool (PDF, 445.63 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    Recognising the need to complement the Guidelines with practical tools that can be used by field practitioners, UNHCR developed a Cash Delivery Mechanism Assessment Tool (CDMAT) in 2016 to help field teams to assess the adequacy of various cash delivery mechanisms to meet programme needs.

    UNHCR (2016) Cash Delivery Mechanism - Assessment Tool - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Mercy Corps (2017) Cash Transfer Implementation Guide: Part of the CTP Toolkit (PDF, 2.66 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The Cash Transfer Implementation Guide is written for Program Managers actively managing cash transfer programs. If you are reading this Implementation Guide, it is assumed you are familiar with the preconditions for CTP and the advantages and disadvantages of cash transfer programs. If not, please read the Cash Transfer Programming Methodology Guide.

    Mercy Corps (2017) Cash Transfer Implementation Guide: Part of the CTP Toolkit - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Mercy Corps (2018) E-Transfer Implementation Guide (PDF, 1.65 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    The E-transfer Implementation Guide was created for Mercy Corps team members considering – or already using – digital technology to deliver cash or vouchers to program participants. Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of the steps required to use digital payments. The Annexes contain customizable tools and templates.

    Mercy Corps (2018) E-Transfer Implementation Guide - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Templates
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    UNHCR (2018) Multi-Purpose Cash and Sectoral Outcomes: Review of Evidence and Learning (PDF, 3.25 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    Evidence is lacking on how far multi-purpose cash contributes to sectoral outcomes in health, WASH, shelter, food security and nutrition, education, livelihoods, energy and environment programming, and how sectoral interventions should include multi-purpose cash along with other activities to best reach intended sectoral outcomes that contribute to protection. This report helps address this gap.

    UNHCR (2018) Multi-Purpose Cash and Sectoral Outcomes: Review of Evidence and Learning - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    CaLP (2018) CTP in the Education and Child Protection: Literature Review & Evidence Maps (PDF, 1.85 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This report examines the body of research that provides evidence of the impact of CTP on education and child protection outcomes and provides a comprehensive synthesis and analysis of existing evidence and identifies gaps in the knowledge base for future research prioritisation.

    CaLP (2018) CTP in the Education and Child Protection: Literature Review & Evidence Maps - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    UNHCR (2016) Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings (PDF, 1.09 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This publication summarizes the current use of cash-based interventions (CBI) in WASH programming, explains the best practices and lessons learned, and provides recommendations for use of CBI in refugee settings.

    UNHCR (2016) Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
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    Market Analysis

    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) (PDF, 1.17 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This resource is a set of standards (similar to the Sphere Standards), indicators and guidance on conducting market assessments/analysis in disaster or early recovery contexts (to ensure interventions can help meet basic needs while using and strengthening markets in this process), they have been designed to be used by non-market specialists across sectors.

    CaLP (2017) Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    MiC (2018) Markets in Crises Discussion Group (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This is an online discussion group on all things markets in crisis, and a useful way to keep abreast of related discussions and pose key questions to the broader markets in crisis community.

    MiC (2018) Markets in Crises Discussion Group - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals, Communication Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    EMMA (2010) Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit (ZIP, 1.7 MB)

    Also available in: French, Spanish

    When can it be useful?
    This resource is a set of tools and guidance notes for front-line humanitarian staff in sudden-onset emergencies to better understand, accommodate, and make use of market systems, it provides detailed guidance on each of the steps involved in market assessment.

    EMMA (2010) Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit  - overview
    Language: English, French, Spanish
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Monitoring & Evaluation

    CaLP (2017) Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies (PDF, 856.78 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This guidance provides a central ‘living’ resource to promote a common understanding of the most important monitoring considerations for humanitarian projects using cash transfer programming (CTP).

    CaLP (2017) Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers
    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    Here you can find practical guidance on indicators that are most commonly used in cash and voucher assistance in emergencies. It is based on the aid agencies’ field experience and best practices promoted by CaLP, donors and other stakeholders.

    PIN (2019) IndiKit: Guidance on Cash and Voucher-Related Indicators - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
    Multiple authors (2018) Overview of cash transfers and vouchers in 2018 Humanitarian Response Plans (PDF, 1 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This paper examines how cash transfers, as well as vouchers, are incorporated in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) in 2018, as these are key planning documents for international humanitarian assistance.

    Multiple authors (2018) Overview of cash transfers and vouchers in 2018 Humanitarian Response Plans - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Cross-Cutting Topics

    CaLP, USAID (2017) A Review of Inter-agency Collaboration for CTP Delivery (PDF, 733.98 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This study tests the commonly held assumption that greater collaboration results in greater efficiency or effectiveness. It establishes drivers and measures of efficiency and effectiveness in CTP delivery; characterises different models of collaboration for cash delivery; and assesses these different models against the measures of efficiency and effectiveness.

    CaLP, USAID (2017) A Review of Inter-agency Collaboration for CTP Delivery - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
    Steets, J. et al. (2017) Policy Paper on Cash Coordination in Humanitarian Contexts (PDF, 426.29 KB)

    When can it be useful?
    This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of seven institutional models for cash coordination, as well as the level of stakeholder endorsement for each option.

    Steets, J. et al. (2017) Policy Paper on Cash Coordination in Humanitarian Contexts - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Evaluation & Research Reports
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
    Save the Children (2017) Child Outcomes of CTP (report, annexes) (PDF, 5.13 MB)

    When can it be useful?
    This systematic review attempts to fill an evidence gap by reviewing a comprehensive list of indicators around outcomes for children in health, food security, nutrition, protection, and education. These indicators include both those that indirectly concern children, such as maternal health status, as well as those that directly affect children, such as the child’s health.

    Save the Children (2017) Child Outcomes of CTP (report, annexes) - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: Toolkits & Manuals
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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    Training Materials

    CaLP (2018) Course: Cash Transfer Programming - The Fundamentals (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This session will introduce you to the fundamentals of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and will help you to begin understanding it. No knowledge of CVA is required to do this course.

    CaLP (2018) Course: Cash Transfer Programming - The Fundamentals - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: E-Learning and Webinars, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation
    Useful for: Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes
    IFRC - Cash & Livelihoods Trainings (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    A comprehensive selection of trainings on Cash & Livelihoods Interventions.

    IFRC - Cash & Livelihoods Trainings - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: E-Learning and Webinars, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, M&E Managers / Officers, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers, HR Officers
    CaLP (2019) Course: Core CTP Skills for Supply Chain, Finance & ICT Staff (URL)

    When can it be useful?
    This 5-day course, developed by the Fritz Institute in conjunction with CaLP, is structured around the humanitarian project cycle and allows a range of operations staff to understand their role and function in the design, implementation and monitoring of cash and voucher assistance.

    CaLP (2019) Course: Core CTP Skills for Supply Chain, Finance & ICT Staff - overview
    Language: English
    Region: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe & Caucasus
    Resource type: E-Learning and Webinars, Training Materials
    Useful during: Initial Orientation, Assessment and Project Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
    Useful for: Field Officers, Project / Programme Managers / Heads of Programmes, Country Directors / (Support) Desk Officers
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